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Current projects

The wood ID project

The goal of the Wood ID Project is to create a reference database of tree species to prevent the trade of illegal wood products. To improve the traceability and wood identification in international markets we use genomic, wood anatomical and biochemical profiling.

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The Poplar Genomics project

The poplar genomics project addresses climate suitability of aspen provenances. We try to uncover genomic indicators of resiliency to abiotic stressors like drought and / or temperature. In addition, we try to identify genetic variants for timber tracking, which is a pilot study in poplars.

Journal Publications

Dittrich, C., Pecenka, R., Selge, B., Zacharias, M., Kruggel-Emden,H. (2024):

Production and investigation of water absorbent fibre pellets from unutilised lignocellulosic biomass pre-processed in a twin-screw extruder. Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 214 (2024) 118525, doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.118525.


Zacharias, M., Pampuch, T., Dauphin, B., Opgenoorth, L., Roland, C., Schnittler, M., Wilmking, M., Bog, M., Heer, K. (2022): Genetic basis of growth reaction to drought stress differs in contrasting high-latitude treeline ecotones of a widespread conifer. Molecular Ecology, doi: 10.1111/mec.16648


Zacharias, M., Pampuch, T., Heer, K., Avanzi, C., Würth, D.G., Trouillier, M., Bog, M., Wilmking, M., Schnittler, M. (2021): Population structure and the influence of microenvironment and genetic   similarity on individual growth at Alaskan white spruce treelines. Science of the Total Environment 798 (2021) 149267, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149267


Pampuch, T., Anadon-Rosell, A., Zacharias, M., von Arx, G., Wilmking, M. (2020): Xylem Anatomical Variability in White Spruce at Treeline Is Largely Driven by Spatial Clustering. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, Article 581378, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.581378


Meyer, M.; Zacharias, M.; Morgenstern, K.; Krabel, D.; Liesebach, H. (2018): Variable genotypes at the cpDNA marker locus trnDT in spontaneous rejuvenation of the species complex around the European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) and its relatives collected in Germany. Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research, 68 (2018) 93-102, doi: 10.3220/LBF1544605045000

Conference contributions

Presentation "Genomic offset in Populus tremuloides, a keystone species in North America", Forest Genetics 2023 - Discovery & Innovation in Changing Climates, CFGA/WFGA, Vernon (Canada)


Presentation “Genetic signatures of drought stress tolerance in contrasting treeline ecotones of a widespread conifer in Alaska”, EvolTree Conference 2021 Genomics and Adaptation in Forest Ecosystems, WSL Birmensdorf (Switzerland)


Poster “Population structure and the influence of microenvironment and genetic similarity on individual growth at Alaskan white spruce treelines”, 2021 Forest Genetics Student Symposium (virtual event)

Poster "Spatial genetic differentiation in Picea glauca stands in Alaska", Gentree conference 2020 - Genetics to the rescue, Avignon Université (France)


Reviewing activity for scientific journals

Heredity - 2024

Heredity - 2023

Evolutionary Applications - 2023 

Frontiers of plant science - 2022

© Dr. Melanie Zacharias 2022 

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